Permaculture is global in scope. There are listings of upcoming events taking place all over the world in wide variety of print publications and on numerous permaculture web sites. We are primarily interested in publicizing courses, workshops and events that take place in California and the Western United States. We are particularly interested in publicizing the activities of my fellow alumni of the June 1997 Permaculture Design Course at the Ojai Foundation in Ojai California.
We welcome information on any such events for inclusion here. We also welcome submissions of, or links to, after action reports on Permaculture events or personal accounts of successful implementations of Permaculture design.
You can reach us by email at:
Verbatim copying and distribution is permitted in any medium,
provided this notice is preserved.
Events and presentations appearing on this page are selected from a
variety of sources at the discretion of Crescent Meadow Systems.
Crescent Meadow Systems accepts no responsibility for the accuracy
of the postings or the quality of the presentations.