Document Imaging and Document Management

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The Document Management Continuum

1. One Page Summaries
1-1 Table of Contents, Document Management Continuum (DMC) (Long) (10-2) 22000p.pdf
1-2 How to Measure Scanned Documents, Born Digital Documents, and Digital Storage [1] (4-1) 22009p.pdf
1-3 10 Terabit Ethernet, T1, OC3, and Document Transmission Speeds: Pages per Second Over Various Types of Links (7-3) 22037p.pdf
1-4 DVD Specifications Summary (5-9) 22038p.pdf
1-5 Pixels per Image and Pixels (or Dots) per Inch (dpi) (or millimeter)(and Office Color) (5-10) 22039p.pdf
1-6 Display Resolutions and Nomenclature (Display Sizes in Pixels) (H x V, Horizontal by Vertical) (5-11) 22040p.pdf
1-7 1 PetaByte Magnetic Disk Array in a 48 Square Foot (5 Square Meter) Office Cubical; 600 GigaByte Native Format Magnetic Tapes, Halftone Printing, Dithering, Microprocessor Design Rules (Wire Widths) 22042p.pdf
1-8 GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Data, Aerial Photography, and Digital Orthophotographs, Digitized Multimedia Formats, Medical Records, and Scanned Miscellaneous Documents (5-13) 22041p.pdf
1-9 Units of Measure, Digital and Metric, Decimal and Binary (also: Paper and Trees) (And COLD and Scanning Cost) (5-14) 22043p.pdf
1-10 Projecting the Cost of Magnetic Disk Storage Over the Next 10 Years [2] (4-3) 22011p.pdf
1-11 Moore's Law and Knowledge Management (4-6) [3] 22017p.pdf
1-12 Evolution of Intel Microprocessors: 1971 to 2003 [3] (4-5) 22016p.pdf
1-13 Cost of Semiconductor RAM (Random Access Memory) Over 50 Years: 1970 to 2020 (4-7) 22045p.pdf
1-14 Reasonable Size of Computer RAM (Random Access Memory) Increases from 1 KiloByte in 1968 to 1 GigaByte in 2002 (34 years) (4-8) 22046p.pdf
1-15 50 Year Timeline: Merging Microsoft Windows, Office, SQL Server, CE, and the Internet in 2006 (2-2) (3-1) 22057p.pdf
1-16 Following Shakespeare through: Being, Love, Wisdom, Knowledge, Information, Data, Bits, and Discernable Differences (Pits on an Optical Disc); from Bits to Being (or Not to Be) (3-5) 22044p.pdf
1-17 Raster Images - Scanned, Born Digital, and Printed (and Inverse Table of Periodicity) (5-1) 27004p.pdf
1-18 (Document not available)
1-19 Documents Scanned in Grayscale Look Like a Photograph of the Original & Viewing Terapixel Images Over a Dial-up Internet Connection with Dynamic Progressive Transmission of Resolution (5-17) 22047p.pdf
1-20 Viewing an 82 GigaPixel Image on a Wireless Hand Held Device over a Dial-Up Connection with Smooth Roaming and Zooming via Progressive Dynamic Transmission of Resolution (5-19) 22056p.pdf
1-21 600 dpi for Document Imaging and Digital Copying (5-20) 22055p.pdf
1-22 Spatial Indexing for Document Access, Using a GIS (Geographic Information System) to Index Documents (8-1) 22034p.pdf
1-23 3 Day Course in Document Imaging and Document Management (DIDM) 28995p.pdf
1-24 Table of Contents, Document Management Continuum (DMC) (Short) 28801p.pdf
1-25 Postscript (and PDF, Portable Document Format) (Outline Font) Exemplar: Spiral Infinity (5-2) 22028p.pdf
2. Overviews
2-1 Document Management Overview 21954p.pdf
2-2 50 Year Timeline: Merging Microsoft Windows, Office, SQL Server, CE, and the Internet in 2006 (1-15) (3-1) 22057wp.pdf
2-3 Microsoft Evolution: The 3.1 Flavors of Windows 2000 and XP Become the Microsoft Environment (3-2) 22001p.pdf
2-4 Permanent Digital Records, 5 PDF Formats, and Records Management Systems (6-1) 22025p.pdf
2-5 Planning for the Continued Rapid Change of the Internet (7-1) 22014p.pdf
2-6 Preserving Information Forever and a Call for Emulators (6-2) 22010p.pdf
3. Management
3-1 50 Year Timeline: Merging Microsoft Windows, Office, SQL Server, CE, and the Internet in 2006 (1-15) (2-2) 22057p.pdf
3-2 Microsoft Evolution: The 3.1 Flavors of Windows 2000 and XP Become the Microsoft Environment (2-3) 22001p.pdf
3-3 Document Management System Search Features: The More, The Merrier 22005p.pdf
3-4 Email, Voicemail, and Web Page Appropriateness Reminder for Employees 22019p.pdf
3-5 Following Shakespeare through: Being, Love, Wisdom, Knowledge, Information, Data, Bits, and Discernable Differences (Pits on an Optical Disc); from Bits to Being (or Not to Be) (1-16) 22044p.prg
3-6 Microsoft Initiatives, Day by Day, 1996 to Present 22015p.pdf
3-7 Storing Uncompressed Images of Photographs and Documents 22049p.pdf
3-8 Electronic Public Record Legislation Based on the ISO 9000 Standard for Continuous Improvement of Quality 22050p.pdf
3-9 (Document not available)
3-10 CRM - Certified Records Manager 22051p.pdf
3-10 CDIA - Certified Document Imaging Architect 22052p.pdf
3-11 Electronic Seals Provide Security for Electronic Signatures 22053p.pdf
3-12 Legislated URLs for Permanent Documents on the Internet 22054p.pdf
4. Cost
4-1 How to Measure Scanned Documents, Born Digital Documents, and Digital Storage 22009p.pdf
4-2 Sizing a Document Management System: Image Size Estimates for All Types of Digitized Documents 22003p.pdf
4-3 Projecting the Cost of Magnetic Disk Storage Over the Next 10 Years 22011p.pdf
4-4 Decline of Magnetic Disk Storage Cost Over the Next 25 Years 22004p.pdf
4-5 Evolution of Intel Microprocessors: 1971 to 2003 22016p.pdf
4-6 Moore's Law and Knowledge Management 22017p.pdf
4-7 Cost of Semiconductor RAM (Random Access Memory) Over 50 Years: 1970 to 2020 22045p.pdf
4-8 Reasonable Size of Computer RAM (Random Access Memory) 22046p.pdf
4-9 Cost per Page, Box, File Cabinet, Shelf, Linear Foot, Linear Inch, etc. for Document Scanning and Storage 22030p.pdf
4-10 Pixels per Scanned Image: Uncompressed and Compressed 22035p.pdf

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